Black Cotton Dress

Abercrombie Dress, Manolo Blahnik Sandals, Chanel Handbag
I had this post all written up on the Labor Day long weekend with full intentions to post the holiday Monday. Here we are two weeks later and I’m finally posting, and that in a nutshell is how the past two weeks have felt. An utter blur and whirlwind of time passing. September is always filled to the brim, with school starting up, hockey evaluations going full tilt and a slew of volunteering. Taking a deep breath and gearing up for another week jam packed full of activities and errands, and grateful always for this beautiful September weather we’ve been having.
Pre-kids dresses were my jam. I would wear them dressed up or down, there was never an occasion where a dress wasn’t considered as an option. But postpartum hit hard and I struggled with wearing anything other sweats and an oversized tee. (Side note, I had a pair of thin sweats, that were awful. Slumpy, unflattering, and completely see-thru when I bent over, and despite that, I wore them constantly, including out of the house. The fact my family didn’t intervene tells me they knew I was barely swimming above water.) I have come to realize these days, while dresses are not considered as an option for any occasion, I have absolutely eased back into them again as the kids get older. This one is such a winner with crisp cotton fabric, puff sleeve detail, and a loose fit, I have worn it everywhere from country concert to morning brunch. It would look equally as fabulous with sneakers and a blazer thrown over the shoulders, and for that, I love it even more.

Photos by Kiera Schussler