Leather Trench

Abercrombie Tee, AGOLDE Denim, Loeffler Randall Boots, Danier Leather Jacket, Chanel Handbag
As we’re nearing the end of April, we’re getting closer to being able to confidently declare Spring is here. It is Calgary however, so there’s always a chance of snow anytime up until June, and I promise, I’m not being dramatic in saying that. I’m on the tapering end of my training for the Vancouver Marathon taking place at the beginning of May, and I can confidentially say this is the hardest run I’ve trained for. The first full marathon I ran in 2011 at age 28, and subsequently ran two more at ages 29 and 32. At age 40, after having two kids, with numerous life stressors, a lack of childcare and winter weather in play, this has been a tough four months. To be honest, I tallied it up and actually only completed 80% of my training runs, which makes me feel incredibly less prepared than all the other runs I’ve done. I contemplated quitting nearly every day in March, and for a stretch of three weeks insisted I was quitting to numerous individuals. I’ve never trained for a full marathon alone. I’ve always had friends or family running alongside me for those four to five hour weekend runs so training for this has been incredibly isolating and lonely. Highly do not recommend training alone. Another factor that makes me incredibly nervous for race day. But all of that said, running makes me feel like me. It eases my anxiety like nothing else. It gives me time to think and ponder things through, and it makes me feel strong. So I’ve signed up and we’ll see. I anticipate there will be more bathroom breaks than all of the marathons I’ve run combined (thanks kids), there will be a ton of walking and stretching along the way, my finish time will be my slowest of all my races and I can guarantee tears, all of the tears.
While we’re swaying somewhere between snow and sunshine, this is what I would deem a perfect transitional ensemble for YYC’s “spring” weather. I’ve actually owned this leather trench since the 90s. Back in high school I wanted a leather coat so badly, so my Dad and I struck up a deal. Instead of taking his shirts to the dry cleaners I washed and ironed them for $1 a shirt. I had a chart counting down, and after a year I had saved enough to purchase the jacket. Perhaps the sentimentality of it is why I kept it all these years, but whatever the reason, I am so glad I did. Leather and faux leather trench-style jackets are back in, and I’m in like gin on this trend. I’ve worn this coat with leggings, sneakers and a hoodie for a more dressed down look, and I’ve paired with a dress for a more elevated ensemble. While I tend to pass by the vast majority of trends these days, I’m loving the look of this one.

Photos by Kiera Schussler