Sweatsuit Dreams

Aritzia Sweatpants & Sweatshirt, Vince Coat, Reebok Sneakers, Celine Handbag
It’s been a year since the Covid and to be honest, it’s hard to even imagine what life was like before the pandemic hit. We sold our house about a month before everything shut down in Canada, and moved the very weekend of the shut down. We moved in with my parents while we searched for a house, never intending to be here as long as we have, but obviously not knowing we’d be attempting to purchase a home during a pandemic when the market became hugely unpredictable. Due to living with my parents, we’ve been extremely careful, refraining from seeing friends and family, following the rules, and staying close to home. This past year has been extremely lonely and isolating, and while I love my children more than life, having had essentially no reprieve from them this past year has left me burnt out in ways I can’t even communicate. We will be moving into our own place (we finally bought a house!) this summer and that coupled with the vaccine slowly rolling in, I feel as though there’s finally a light at the end of a very long, very dark tunnel.
It truly would be a lie if I didn’t admit that the vast, and I mean enormously vast, portion of the last 12 months has been spent in sweatsuits. Hands down, the VIP of the pandemic for me, has been my sweats. It made mornings easier, especially during the cold months, knowing I could go from pajamas to something as equally soft and comforting. I didn’t have to stress about them not buttoning up when gaining the “covid 19”, and it seemed that everyone agreed, sweats became, dare I say it, fashionable. I’ve definitely been of the mindset, if I’m not seeing anyone outside of the house, is it even worth putting real pants on? To be real with you though, I still see many days of sweatsuit filled school drop-offs coming this fall. For me it’s all about easing my way into pre-pandemic life.

Photos by Kiera Schussler