Vintage Finds

I can distinctly remember writing my blog post on New Year’s Eve exactly one year ago. It was the eve of a new decade, and there was so much to process from the previous ten years. Looking back on 2010 felt like watching a reel from someone else’s life. This year doesn’t seem that much different. Although it’s only been a year since we welcomed a the start of a new decade, with so many hopeful for a fresh slate and a new beginning, I think it’s safe to say this year played out in a way NO ONE could have predicted. Looking back at our lives a year ago, it’s unbelievable how much has changed. For me, so much so that even a year ago feels like a different lifetime.
We decided at the beginning of 2019 we were ready to move, and called on Sam Corea, the absolute best human and realtor, who sold our home within a couple of days of listing it. We had planned all along on moving in with my parents at the lake while we searched for our new home in Calgary, but we had no idea what was coming. The possession date on our home landed just days after the entire country shut down due to Corona Virus, and our moving day fell on the weekend that Calgary shut everything down. During that crazy time, we had friends that came out and helped, and to them we are forever indebted. The market in Calgary became unpredictable, and long story short, we’re still living at the lake, searching for a house that we can call our own. Sam has been one of the few people I’ve seen in real life this past year, and we couldn’t and wouldn’t have wanted to wade through this with anyone else.
Like so many others out there I’ve struggled this year, feeling extreme loneliness and isolation as we are doing our part to keep family safe and well during this time. I am so grateful for my girlfriends with who I have regular Facetime dates with, which has saved my sanity. It was an absolute blessing being up at the lake with my parents, and I feel lucky my kids have gotten to spend so much time with their grandparents. It’s nice to indulge in Happy Hour with someone other than just yourself. 2021 does bring some hope of normalcy, I can’t wait to see my friends in person, to have play dates with our kids, to go out to eat without worry, and all the other little moments I took for granted. I get emotional any time I see someone get the vaccine, and to all of the researchers and scientists and healthcare workers out there, I am forever grateful for your acumen, bravery, and commitment to humanity. Here’s to moving forward and healing from a year that felt traumatic and unrelenting. Happy New Year my friends!

Photos by Kiera Schussler