Bundle Up

Moncler Parka, Spanx Faux Leather Leggings, Chanel Handbag, Jimmy Choo Combat Boots
We are currently experiencing a deep freeze here in YYC, I’m talking -40 degrees celcius, and we’ve hunkered down hard. With two small children that have been house bound for the better part of a week, let me just say, the days have been LONG. I saw a meme that stated it’s the time of year where you either go to an indoor play place and leave with some variety of gastro or respiratory disease, or stay home and try not to kill each other. We’ve opted for the later, so my refereeing skills have skyrocketed to expert level.
These images were taken a couple of weeks ago when the weather was balmy in comparison. Alberta has always been a province where investing in a fabulous parka will never be a poor choice, and this week just confirms it. I’ve had this particular coat for over seven years (proof in this post from seven years ago), and it’s as relevant and in fashion as it was when I first purchased it. Proof that you don’t need dozens of options if you invest in something high in quality and classic in style.

Photos by Kiera Schussler