photo via Avenue Magazine

Oh hi there, remember me, it’s been a while.  Over 6 months to be exact.  You see, while the first half of 2016 was wonderful, the second half was a nose dive into a dumpster fire.  There was so much change that took place, unexpected change that knocked the wind out of me.  As I’ve been struggling to keep up with all of the transitions taking place, I’ve neglected my beloved little nook on the net.  There’s a touch of irony in the fact that I have a blog on the internet to invite people in, yet I am an intensely private person, so I struggle with how much of the struggle to share.  For now I’ll say that I’m looking forward, to the arrival of the newest member of our family, to making our new home our own, and to bringing all of my inspired ideas to fruition.

The end of 2016 saw me saying goodbye to the home that welcomed me home from Vancouver over six years ago.  You see for me, my home is so much more than drywall and flooring.  It’s the place that greeted friends and family from near and far.  It hosted dozens and dozens of gatherings, events, parties, and it was a beauty beyond measure.  It housed heartfelt conversations, comforted me during the lowest of lows, and was there with me with during the highest of highs.  To say it was emotional saying goodbye would be an understatement.  I thought it would be a fabulous way to bid farewell to my loyal friend, #100, by sharing photos of the home that will never be forgotten.

“The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out.  They got that way because shit went wrong, and they handled it.  They handled it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it.  Those women are my superheroes.”  -Elizabeth Gilbert

2017 I’m ready for you and I’m coming attcha.

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Corea Sotropa

photo via Style at Home

photo via Style at Home

photo via Style at Home

photo via Style at Home

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